Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vita Romana

Today I barely even had time to breathe. Around 6 am, I awoke to the sounds of grumbling voices - my clients were already waiting outside the house for me to appear, but I had told my slaves not to wake me until 7. Reluctantly, I got up to prepare for the day.
After seeing a few clients, I sent the rest away. My meeting at the courthouse began at 8:30, and I gave the speech I had prepared against the new reforms Domitian proposed. I really can't stand that guy - but more about that later.
The senate meeting began at 10:00, and I tried to listen carefully to what the old codgers were saying, but my early start had already made me tired and I began to drift off. Lucius Titus Rufus, my old friend and neighbor, elbowed me in the side a couple of times. He had to shake me when it was over. Darn those pesky clients!
At lunchtime I visited Rufus' house - his home on the Esquiline hill is lovely, but it's nothing compared to my friend Lupus' house in the country. I'm so jealous of Lupus - he gets to lounge by the pool all day while I'm stuck here doing business sunup to sundown! Once I got home, I had to entertain visitors all evening. They wouldn't leave, even when I fell asleep on the dining couch! I think they want me to join them in presenting an idea to Domitian, but I didn't catch what the idea was.
Tomorrow I'll attend a triumph in Domitian's honor. What a fiasco that should turn out to be!

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